Myer股东批准900万美元的交易, 以收购Just Jeans和Dotti, 扩大Myer的零售业务。 Myer shareholders approve $900M deal to acquire Just Jeans and Dotti, expanding Myer’s retail presence.
Myer 股东已批准以 9 亿美元的价格从 Premier Investments 收购多个服装品牌,包括 Just Jeans 和 Dotti。 Myer shareholders have approved the acquisition of several clothing brands, including Just Jeans and Dotti, from Premier Investments in a $900 million deal. 合并后, Myer 的商店数量将增至783家, 年销售额也将超过40亿美元。 This merger will expand Myer’s store count to 783 and bolster its annual sales to over $4 billion. 尽管对品牌的表现感到担忧,但首席执行官 Olivia Wirth 认为,此举将加强 Myer 的零售地位。 Despite concerns about the brands' performance, CEO Olivia Wirth believes the move will strengthen Myer's retail position. 这笔交易将使 Premier 的所有者、亿万富翁 Solomon Lew 获得 Myer 的大量股份和一个董事会席位。 The deal will see billionaire Solomon Lew, Premier's owner, gain a significant stake in Myer and a board seat.