孟买警方逮捕了黑帮DK Rao及其同伙,他们敲诈一名旅馆老板并威胁要杀死他。 Mumbai police arrested gangster DK Rao and associates for extortion and death threats against a hotelier.
孟买警方逮捕了臭名昭著的黑帮DK Rao和6名同伙,因为他们企图从旅馆里勒索2.5,并发出死亡威胁。 Mumbai police arrested notorious gangster DK Rao and six associates for attempting to extort ₹2.5 crore from a hotelier and making death threats. Rao是黑社会Chhota Rajan的同伙, 曾参与多起勒索案。 Rao, an associate of underworld don Chhota Rajan, has been involved in multiple extortion cases. 此案已移交反勒索小组,调查仍在进行中。 The case was handed to the Anti-Extortion Cell, and investigations are ongoing. 此外,另一名帮派成员Vilas Balaram Pawar在逃16年后也被逮捕。 Additionally, another gang member, Vilas Balaram Pawar, was also arrested after 16 years on the run.