以色列记者Lee Yaron在10月7日袭击中获全国犹太图书奖, Israeli journalist Lee Yaron wins National Jewish Book Award for book on October 7th attacks.
以色列记者李雅龙(Lee Yaron)以她的书《10/7:100个人类故事》获得第74届全国犹太图书奖, Israeli journalist Lee Yaron won the 74th National Jewish Book Awards with her book "10/7: 100 Human Stories," which details the October 7th attacks in Israel. 30岁时,Yaron是最年轻的作者 获得这一荣誉。 At 30, Yaron is the youngest author to receive this honor. 这本书根据对幸存者和第一反应者的访谈,深入介绍了以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突及其对日常生活的影响。 The book offers insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on everyday people, based on interviews with survivors and first responders.