印度Tuticorin机场和孟买一所学校在接到电子邮件炸弹威胁后加强了安全。 India's Tuticorin airport and a Mumbai school heightened security after receiving email bomb threats.
印度的Tutitorin机场在接到电子邮件炸弹威胁后, 加强了安全措施。 Tuticorin airport in India has heightened security measures after receiving an email bomb threat. 当局正在对旅客进行彻底检查,并使用嗅探犬检测可疑物品。 Authorities are conducting thorough passenger checks and using sniffer dogs to detect suspicious items. 与此同时,孟买的一所学校也收到类似的威胁,促使在这两个地点进行调查。 Meanwhile, a school in Mumbai also received a similar threat, prompting investigations in both locations.