Google将圆圈更新到搜索, 添加快速行动, 并扩展对Android的 AI 概览。 Google updates Circle to Search, adding quick actions and expanding AI Overviews on Android.
Google强化了“环以搜索Android”的功能,增加了电话号码、电子邮件和URL的一次性行动,并扩展了AI 概览,以涵盖更多诸如地点和图像等主题。 Google has enhanced its Circle to Search feature on Android, adding one-tap actions for phone numbers, emails, and URLs, and expanding AI Overviews to cover more topics like places and images. 这些更新旨在提供不切换应用程序的更快的信息和行动获取途径。 These updates aim to offer quicker access to information and actions without switching apps. 该功能正在推广到有AI 概览的所有安非他明装置,目前有英文支持。 The feature is rolling out to all Android devices where AI Overviews are available, currently with English support.