加纳候任旅游部长概述了基础设施问题和促进工业增长的计划。 Ghana's Tourism Minister-designate outlines infrastructure issues and plans to boost industry growth.
加纳旅游部长候任部长Abla Dzifa Gomashie强调了重大的基础设施挑战,包括过时的旅馆和恶劣的卫生条件,这是加纳旅游业发展的障碍。 Ghana's Minister-designate for Tourism, Abla Dzifa Gomashie, has highlighted significant infrastructure challenges including outdated hotels and poor sanitation as barriers to the growth of Ghana's tourism industry. 她还计划降低该部门的税收,改善基础设施,以促进经济增长和竞争力。 She also plans to reduce taxes in the sector and improve infrastructure to boost economic growth and competitiveness. 戈马希强调,需要与私营部门合作,以达到全球旅游业标准。 Gomashie stressed the need for collaboration with the private sector to meet global tourism standards.