莱文沃斯堡的少年 被判定犯有Snapchat学校枪击威胁罪 指证约翰・威克 Fort Leavenworth teen found guilty of Snapchat school shooting threat, referencing John Wick.
一名来自莱文沃斯堡的18岁少年Kaden Ray Bentley被判有罪,罪名是2024年9月通过Snapchat威胁对莱文沃斯高中进行枪击。 An 18-year-old from Fort Leavenworth, Kaden Ray Bentley, was found guilty of threatening a shooting at Leavenworth High School via Snapchat in September 2024. 威胁 引用电影人物约翰·威克 在学校引起恐惧和混乱 The threat, referencing the movie character John Wick, caused fear and disruption at the school. 本特利将于2月26日被判刑。 Bentley is set to be sentenced on February 26. 本案突显了网上暴力威胁的严重后果。 This case underscores the serious consequences of making violent threats online.