Edo州州长签署法律,加强司法和石油部门,提高地方法官的退休年龄,扩大石油机构。 Edo State Governor signs laws to boost judiciary and oil sector, raising magistrate retirement age and expanding oil agency.
Edo州州长(Monday Okpebholo)签署两部法律, Edo State Governor, Monday Okpebholo, signed two laws to improve the state's judiciary and oil sector. 第一部法律将治安法官的退休年龄从60岁提高到65岁,旨在留住有经验的法官。 The first law raises the retirement age for magistrates from 60 to 65, aiming to retain experienced judges. 第二部法律增加了国家石油机构的成员,以促进治理和经济增长。 The second law increases the membership of the state's oil agency to enhance governance and economic growth. 预计这些法案将立即生效,利益攸关方对法案的影响表示乐观。 These bills are expected to take immediate effect, with stakeholders expressing optimism about their impact.