Hilary Jones博士在足部手术后返回ITV的Lorraine, 讨论痛风和批评有害饮食。 Dr. Hilary Jones returns to ITV's Lorraine after foot surgery, discussing gout and criticizing harmful diets.
ITV 的 Lorraine 的 71 岁医学专家 Hilary Jones 博士在接受足部手术后重返节目,以修复他的跟腱和骨刺的问题。 Dr. Hilary Jones, the 71-year-old medical expert on ITV's Lorraine, returned to the show after foot surgery to repair an issue with his Achilles tendon and a bony spur. 估计两周后他就会走出整形靴子了 He expects to be out of his orthopaedic boot in about two weeks. Jones博士也讨论了他的口香糖问题,由于现代生活方式,这一病症越来越常见,并告诫不要采取有害的饮食做法。 Dr. Jones also discussed his gout, a condition becoming more common due to modern lifestyles, and cautioned against harmful dieting practices.