美国命运商场计划在2025年升级改造1500万美元电影院, Destiny USA mall plans $15 million movie theater revamp and new pickleball, VR venues in 2025 upgrade.
美国在锡拉丘兹的命运商场计划到2025年进行重大翻修,包括改建1 500万美元的Regal电影院、新建的室内泡菜球设施和虚拟现实场所。 Destiny USA mall in Syracuse is planning major renovations by 2025, including a $15 million remodel of Regal Cinemas, a new indoor pickleball facility, and a virtual reality venue. Margaritaville 将在十年后关闭, 但JD体育正在开放, 现有的租户,如维多利亚的秘密和美国鹰 正在续租 与改建。 Margaritaville will close after a decade, but JD Sports is opening, and existing tenants like Victoria's Secret and American Eagle are renewing leases with remodels. 该商场旨在提供零售、娱乐和餐饮的混合升级。 The mall aims to offer a mix of retail, entertainment, and dining upgrades.