建筑工人倒下通风井 在奥巴马总统中心 受伤但有意识。 Construction worker falls down ventilation shaft at Obama Presidential Center, injured but conscious.
一名建筑工人从芝加哥奥巴马总统中心工地的通风井倒下,多处受伤。 A construction worker fell down a ventilation shaft at the Obama Presidential Center site in Chicago, suffering multiple injuries. 该工人在秋天后有意识和警觉,被消防员带往芝加哥大学医疗中心。 The worker was conscious and alert after the fall and was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center by firefighters. 该事件是在该工人在通风井工作时发生的,随着调查正在进行,更多细节有待进一步调查。 The incident occurred while the worker was working on the ventilation shaft, and more details are pending as an investigation is underway.