加拿大保守派领袖Pierre Poilievre否认对两个以上性别的认知, Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre denies awareness of more than two genders, facing criticism for stance.
加拿大保守派领袖Pierre Poilievre说,他不知道两个以上的性别,并认为政府不应干涉性别认同问题。 Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre stated he is unaware of more than two genders and believes the government should not interfere in gender identity issues. 他在采访美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)行政命令只承认两个不可改变的性别时, 遭到LGBTQ宣传团体的批评, His comments, made during an interview about U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order recognizing only two unchangeable sexes, have faced criticism from LGBTQ advocacy groups, who argue that such views contribute to discrimination and violence against trans and gender-diverse individuals. Poilievre将负担能力等问题列为优先事项,此前曾表示支持禁止妇女转行参加妇女体育运动。 Poilievre has prioritized issues like affordability and previously expressed support for banning trans women from women's sports.