英国旅行者Glyn Evans与“旅行眼”一起进行了30次旅行,对视障和视力受损旅行者进行配对,以进行包容性冒险。 UK traveler Glyn Evans has embarked on 30 trips with Traveleyes, pairing sighted and visually impaired travelers for inclusive adventures.
Glyn Evans是英国居民,与 " 旅行眼 " 公司进行了30次旅行,该公司对有视力和视力障碍的旅行者进行对口。 Glyn Evans, a UK resident, has been on 30 trips with Traveleyes, a company that pairs sighted and visually impaired travelers. Traveleyes 由 Amar Latif 于 2004 年创立,提供白水漂流和野生动物园等活动,视力正常的旅行者会引导他们的视障同伴,称为“VIPS”。 Founded by Amar Latif in 2004, Traveleyes offers activities like white water rafting and safaris, where sighted travelers guide their visually impaired companions, known as "VIPS." 该公司旨在为所有参与者提供平等和丰富旅行经验。 The company aims to provide equal and enriching travel experiences for all participants. 一次令人难忘的旅行 看到埃文斯扮演伴郎 为一对视力有缺陷的夫妇服务 在拉斯维加斯突然结婚 One memorable trip saw Evans serving as best man for a visually impaired couple who married on a whim in Las Vegas.