迈阿密的一次旅游公共汽车交通事故造成三人受伤,伤势轻微;原因正在调查之中。 A tour bus crash in Miami injured three people with minor cuts; cause under investigation.
周二下午在迈阿密市中心,有四辆汽车在巡回公共汽车上坠毁,玻璃碎裂,三人受伤,伤势轻微。 A tour bus crash in downtown Miami on Tuesday afternoon involved four vehicles, injuring three people with minor cuts from shattered glass. 没有严重受伤的报告,坠机原因仍然不明。 No serious injuries were reported, and the cause of the crash is still unknown. 事件发生在下午4时左右的Biscayne大道上。 The incident occurred around 4 PM on Biscayne Boulevard.