由于罢工和需求下降, 德克斯顿预计2025年每股收益略低于分析师的估计. Textron forecasts 2025 EPS slightly below analyst estimates due to strikes and decreased demand.
Textron是一家航空航天和国防公司,预计2025年每股(EPS)的收益为6.00-6.20美元,略低于分析师估计的6.40美元。 Textron, an aerospace and defense company, has projected 2025 earnings per share (EPS) of $6.00-6.20, slightly below analysts' estimates of $6.40. 预计该年度的收入将达到147亿美元左右。 Revenue for the year is expected to hit around $14.7 billion. 预测受到9月罢工和某些部分的软需求的影响。 The forecast was impacted by a September strike and soft demand in some segments. Textron的Q4收入也受到影响,由于罢工,喷气式运输下降34%至32架喷气式飞机。 Textron's Q4 earnings were also affected, with jet deliveries down 34% to 32 jets due to the strike. 尽管如此,Textron的股票仍具有“机动购买”共识评级,目标价格为97.64美元。 Despite this, Textron's stock has a "Moderate Buy" consensus rating with a target price of $97.64.