Seagate引入了36TB硬盘驱动器,标志着储存密度和效率的大幅飞跃。 Seagate introduces 36TB hard drives, marking a major leap in storage density and efficiency.
Seagate利用其先进的HAMR技术,将36TB硬盘样品运送给选择客户。 Seagate has shipped samples of 36TB hard drives to select customers, using its advanced HAMR technology. 这些驱动器大大节省了成本和电力,每兆字节成本降低25%,与以往模式相比,耗电量减少60%。 These drives offer significant cost and power savings, with a 25% reduction in cost per terabyte and 60% less power consumption compared to previous models. 公司正在增加32TB驱动器的生产,并采用36TB模型, 目标是数据中心运营商和云服务提供商. Seagate is ramping up production of 32TB drives and sampling 36TB models, targeting data center operators and cloud service providers. 新驱动器每盘可达到3.6TB, 未来可能达到10TB, 使Seagate是唯一能达到这种密度的公司。 The new drives achieve 3.6TB per platter, with potential for 10TB in the future, making Seagate the only company to reach this density.