Sarah Michelle Gellar支持《吸血鬼屠夫布菲》 和新演员演的Buffy重开 Sarah Michelle Gellar supports a 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' reboot with a new actress playing Buffy.
Sarah Michelle Gellar在“吸血鬼杀手巴菲(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)”节目中扮演了Buffy Summers(Buffy Summers), 她评论了重启的可能性, Sarah Michelle Gellar, who played Buffy Summers in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," has commented on the possibility of a reboot, suggesting a younger actress should take the role. Gellar,现在47岁, 开玩笑说需要"很多整形手术" 来重塑她的角色。 Gellar, now 47, joked about needing "a lot of plastic surgery" to reprise her part. 她对节目的影响和她在节目中的作用表示自豪,同时指出Buffy已经演化,新的女演员可能更适合可能复兴的性格。 She expressed pride in the show's impact and her role in it, while noting that Buffy has evolved and a new actress might better fit the character for a potential revival.