圣地亚哥当局在“地下行动”中逮捕了39名墨西哥黑手党成员,收缴枪支和毒品。 San Diego authorities arrested 39 Mexican Mafia members in Operation Los Impuestos, recovering guns and drugs.
圣地亚哥当局逮捕了39名与墨西哥黑手党“Los Inmpeustos行动”有联系的个人,目标是参与毒品、武器和勒索的团伙。 San Diego authorities arrested 39 individuals linked to the Mexican Mafia in Operation Los Impuestos, targeting a gang involved in drugs, weapons, and extortion. 嫌犯勒索当地企业,向未成年人提供武器,经过六个月的调查后被捕。 The suspects, who extorted local businesses and supplied weapons to minors, were arrested following a six-month investigation. 这次行动收回了50支枪支和毒品,包括芬太尼。 The operation led to the recovery of 50 guns and drugs, including fentanyl. 当局承认需要开展更多的工作,以确保社区安全。 Authorities acknowledge more work is needed to ensure community safety.