一名退休的助教因超期停留停车场限制而被罚款,尽管他在附近的Costa咖啡厅停车。 A retired teaching assistant was fined for overstaying a car park limit, despite parking at a neighboring Costa Coffee.
一位退休的助教Sharron Paragreen因超期在赫尔Lidl超市停车场停留90分钟而被罚款90英镑,尽管声称她只停在邻近的Costa Coffee三小时之内。 A retired teaching assistant, Sharron Paragreen, was fined £90 for overstaying a 90-minute limit at a Lidl supermarket car park in Hull, despite claiming she only parked at the neighboring Costa Coffee within their three-hour limit. 管理停车场的Parkingeye公司拒绝了她的上诉, Parkingeye, which manages the car park, rejected her appeal, stating their system recorded her overstay. 此后,科斯塔将其停车场规则修订为90分钟的限制。 Costa has since revised its car park rules to a 90-minute limit.