P&O巡洋舰队为内务工作人员的圣诞服装道歉, P&O Cruises apologizes for housekeeping staff's Christmas costumes resembling Ku Klux Klan attire.
P&O巡洋舰在圣诞节活动期间,在太平洋探索者号游轮上身穿白色制服,戴尖白色白帽子,穿类似三K式三K式礼服的内务人员道歉后,P&O巡洋船表示道歉。 P&O Cruises has apologized after housekeeping staff on the Pacific Explorer cruise ship dressed in white uniforms with pointy white hats, resembling Ku Klux Klan attire, during a Christmas event. 该公司声称这些服装是 “雪锥”,并表示他们不知道潜在的冒犯行为。 The company claimed the outfits were meant to be "snow cones" and said they were unaware of the potential offense. 这些服装被迅速摘除,工作人员接受了咨询。 The costumes were removed quickly, and staff were counseled. 由于成本高昂,澳大利亚P&O游轮公司将于2025年3月关闭业务。 P&O Cruises Australia will shut down its operations in March 2025 due to high costs.