巴基斯坦公司在卡拉奇发射第一个EV充电站,旨在向全国扩展。 Pakistani company launches first EV charging station in Karachi, aiming to expand nationwide.
巴基斯坦的一家公司HUBCO Green在卡拉奇启用了第一个电动车(EV)充电站,目的是在主要城市和高速公路上建设该国最大的电动车(EV)充电网络。 HUBCO Green, a Pakistani company, launched its first electric vehicle (EV) charging station in Karachi, aiming to build the country's largest EV charging network across major cities and highways. 此举与巴基斯坦国家电动车辆政策一致, 目标是到2030年将30%的新车销售量用电。 This move aligns with Pakistan’s National Electric Vehicle Policy, targeting 30% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. 政府计划到2030年安装10,000个收费站,并将这些电站的电费降低44%。 The government plans to install 10,000 charging stations by 2030 and has reduced electricity rates for these stations by 44%. 中国ADM Group公司正在投资2.5亿美元在巴基斯坦建立EV制造厂。 Chinese company ADM Group is investing $250 million to set up an EV manufacturing plant in Pakistan. 这些举措旨在削减燃料进口和碳排放。 These initiatives aim to cut fuel imports and carbon emissions.