超过16,000名哥伦布客户在俄亥俄州州立大学机场附近停电时失去电力。 Over 16,000 Columbus customers lose power amid an outage near Ohio State University Airport.
哥伦布西北部超过16,000名俄亥俄州电力公司的客户在俄亥俄州立大学机场附近停电后没有电力。 Over 16,000 AEP Ohio customers in northwest Columbus are without power after an outage near the Ohio State University Airport. 水电工作人员正在调查原因,并期望在下午9时前恢复权力,尽管这个问题可能延续到午夜。 Utility crews are investigating the cause and expect to restore power by 9 p.m., though the issue could extend into midnight. 断电与极端的寒冷天气同时发生,促使暖化中心开放,学校关闭。 The outage coincides with extreme cold weather, prompting warming centers to open and schools to close. 俄亥俄州AEP公司建议准备急救包,并谨慎对待供暖问题。 AEP Ohio recommends preparing emergency kits and exercising caution with heating.