尼日利亚学生抗议教学医院因未付费用而停电82天。 Nigerian students protest an 82-day power outage at their teaching hospital due to unpaid bills.
尼日利亚伊巴丹大学学生抗议其师范医院(大学学院医院)因未付电费停电82天。 Students at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria have protested an 82-day power outage at their teaching hospital, University College Hospital, due to unpaid electricity bills. 在学生联盟主席博拉吉·阿韦达的领导下,他们要求医院偿还其债务,以恢复权力,并呼吁开展更广泛的卫生部门改革。 Led by Students' Union President Bolaji Aweda, they demand the hospital pays its debts to restore power and call for broader health sector reforms. 该医院一年多来一直面临着电力问题。 The hospital has faced electricity issues for over a year.