莱索托国王莱西三世(Lessie III)试图通过吸引达沃斯的绿色能源投资来刺激经济。 Lesotho's King Letsie III seeks to boost economy by attracting green energy investments at Davos.
莱索托的Letsie III国王前往达沃斯,宣传莱索托的绿色能源潜力,吸引私人对太阳能和水电项目的投资。 King Letsie III of Lesotho traveled to Davos to promote his country's green energy potential and attract private investment in solar and hydro projects. 目标是促进莱索托的经济,并最终向南非出口可再生能源。 The aim is to boost Lesotho's economy and eventually export renewable energy to South Africa. 国王与中国太阳能公司建立伙伴关系,并与英国和南非银行协商,征求金融咨询。 The king is partnering with Chinese firms for solar power and has consulted with UK and South African banks for financial advice. 莱索托是南非的一个内陆国家,它也在寻求解决经济依赖性和干旱等气候影响问题。 Lesotho, a landlocked nation within South Africa, is also seeking to address economic dependencies and climate impacts like droughts.