学习智能教育推出AI系统,使学习个性化,提高学生成绩。 Learn Smart Education launches AI system to personalize learning and enhance student outcomes.
学习智能教育(LSE)引入了一种AI系统,通过根据学生的长处和短处提供个性化学习计划来改进教学和学习。 Learn Smart Education (LSE) has introduced an AI system to improve teaching and learning by offering personalized learning plans based on students' strengths and weaknesses. LSE 以顶尖大学毕业生的高质量教学而闻名,在中文、英文和数学等科目方面提供广泛的支持,包括论文反馈和练习考试。 Known for high-quality instruction from top university graduates, LSE provides extensive support in subjects like Chinese, English, and Mathematics, including essay feedback and practice exams. 该系统的目标是提高学习效率和成果,以LSE在香港中等教育中表现卓越的声誉为基础。 The system aims to boost learning efficiency and outcomes, building on LSE's reputation for excellence in Hong Kong's secondary education.