65岁的Kurt Welsh在科罗拉多被捕,罪名是企图影响一名公务员,并促成未成年人犯罪。 Kurt Welsh, 65, arrested in Colorado for attempting to influence a public servant and contributing to minor's delinquency.
一名65岁的男子Kurt Welsh在科罗拉多州Sterling被捕,罪名是企图影响一名公务员并促成未成年人犯罪。 A 65-year-old man, Kurt Welsh, was arrested in Sterling, Colorado, on charges of attempting to influence a public servant and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. 逮捕是根据Pueblo县的逮捕令进行的,是在Pueblo县警察局进行了为期18个月的调查之后进行的。 The arrest, based on a warrant from Pueblo County, comes after an 18-month investigation by the Pueblo County Sheriff's Office. Welsh目前被关押在洛根县,将移交Pueblo县进一步审理。 Welsh is being held in Logan County and will be transferred to Pueblo County for further proceedings.