Jos Buttler在政治背景下领导英格兰板球队, 拒绝抵制阿富汗的比赛。 Jos Buttler leads England cricket team against a political backdrop, refusing to boycott a match against Afghanistan.
英格兰板球队队长Jos Buttler拒绝抵制即将在冠军杯中举行的阿富汗比赛, 尽管160多名英国政客因塔利班对妇女权利的限制而敦促抵制。 England cricket captain Jos Buttler refuses to boycott an upcoming match against Afghanistan in the Champions Trophy, despite over 160 British politicians urging for a boycott due to the Taliban's restrictions on women's rights. Buttler主张保持体育与政治的分离。 Buttler argues for keeping sports and politics separate. 英格兰和威尔士板球理事会支持这一立场,同时还呼吁国际板球理事会采取集体行动。 The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) supports this stance, while also calling for the International Cricket Council (ICC) to take collective action.