尼日利亚吉加瓦州面临因抗议造成的50亿奈拉财产损失,并计划防止今后发生此类事件。 Jigawa State in Nigeria faces N5 billion in property losses due to protests, with plans to prevent future incidents.
在2024年8月的全国性抗议中,尼日利亚吉加瓦州估计遭受了50亿奈拉的财产损失,影响到政府和私人资产。 Jigawa State in Nigeria suffered an estimated N5 billion in property losses during nationwide protests in August 2024, affecting government and private assets. 由Bello Fanini主持的一个实况调查委员会提出了防止今后发生事件的建议,乌马尔·纳马迪总督保证将审查并执行这些建议。 A fact-finding committee chaired by Bello Fanini presented recommendations to prevent future incidents, which Governor Umar Namadi pledged to review and implement. 州政府还启动了一个委员会,以改进畜牧业。 The state government also launched a committee to improve livestock farming.