伊朗战斗机在Hamedan坠毁,飞行员受伤,但安全撤离;原因正在调查中。 Iranian fighter jet crashes in Hamedan, pilots injured but eject safely; cause under investigation.
一架伊朗战斗机在Hamedan省的训练任务中坠毁,造成两名能够安全撤离的飞行员轻伤。 An Iranian fighter jet crashed during a training mission in Hamedan Province, causing minor injuries to its two pilots who were able to eject safely. 坠机的确切原因正在调查之中。 The exact cause of the crash is under investigation. 这一事件是继近年来涉及伊朗军用飞机的其他几起事故之后发生的。 This incident follows several other accidents involving Iranian military aircraft in recent years.