越南法语议会论坛通过关于农业、粮食安全和气候变化的宣言。 Francophone Parliamentary Forum in Vietnam adopts declaration on agriculture, food security, and climate change.
在越南Can Tho举行的法语国家议会论坛结束时,通过了《Can Tho宣言》。 The Francophone Parliamentary Forum concluded in Can Tho, Vietnam, with the adoption of the Can Tho Declaration. 讨论侧重于可持续农业、粮食安全和气候变化,提出了有价值的建议。 Discussions focused on sustainable agriculture, food security, and climate change, producing valuable recommendations. 越南官员强调需要合作应对这些全球挑战。 Vietnamese officials emphasized the need for cooperation to tackle these global challenges. 来自法语国家议会大会和国际组织的议员参加了这次活动,赞扬越南的努力,并强调立法行动对于实现可持续发展目标的重要性。 The event, attended by parliamentarians from the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie and international organizations, praised Vietnam's efforts and highlighted the importance of legislative action to meet sustainable development goals.