家庭就妇女出院后死亡向医院和工作人员提起诉讼,导致她被捕和入狱死亡。 Family sues hospital and staff over woman's death after her discharge led to her arrest and jail death.
Aundrea Milnes,47岁,Omaha妇女,在从Crieton大学医疗中心Bergan Mercy出院后死于监狱,并因非法侵入被捕。 Aundrea Milnes, a 47-year-old Omaha woman, died in jail after being discharged from Creighton University Medical Center-Bergan Mercy and arrested for trespassing. 她的家人正在起诉CHI保健公司、Margaret Sheehy医生和Katie Vanis护士,罪名是医疗失常,指控他们玩忽职守,违反《联邦紧急医疗和劳动法》。 Her family is suing CHI Health, Dr. Margaret Sheehy, and nurse Katie Vanis for medical malpractice, alleging negligence and violation of the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. Milnes死于甲基苯丙胺急性毒性和排泄物阻塞的结合。 Milnes died from a combination of acute methamphetamine toxicity and a fecal obstruction. 审判预计将持续一周, 将特别播放医院和监狱摄像头的录像。 The trial, expected to last a week, will feature videos from hospital and jail cameras.