阿联酋出访乌干达促进旅游业, 纪念航空公司在该国25周年。 Emirates execs visit Uganda to promote tourism, marking the airline’s 25th anniversary in the country.
阿联酋航空公司行政主管在乌干达进行为期六天的旅行,考察旅游景点,促进该国的旅游业。 Emirates Airlines executives are in Uganda for a six-day trip to explore tourist attractions and promote the country's tourism industry. 代表团,包括来自各国的官员,旨在通过阿联酋和乌干达旅游局的联合营销努力,提高乌干达在全球的知名度。 The delegation, including officials from various countries, aims to boost Uganda's visibility globally through joint marketing efforts by Emirates and the Uganda Tourism Board. 这种合作是阿联酋在该国成立25周年的一部分,预计将促进乌干达的旅游业和经济发展。 乌干达2023年接待了170多万游客。 This collaboration is part of Emirates' 25th anniversary in the country and is expected to increase tourism and economic development in Uganda, which welcomed over 1.7 million tourists in 2023. 穆塞韦尼总统在恩德培州府出席了这次会议。 The meeting was attended by President Museveni at State House Entebbe.