教育者威胁自我伤害, 在比哈尔考试泄漏争议上向总理上诉。 Educator threatens self-harm, appeals to PM over Bihar exam leak controversy.
印度教育家Guru Rahman试图自残,并就比哈尔邦公务员委员会考试的争议写信给包括莫迪总理在内的高级官员。 An educator in India, Guru Rahman, attempted self-harm and wrote to top officials, including Prime Minister Modi, over the Bihar Public Service Commission exam controversy. Rahman因据称的纸质泄漏要求重审。 Rahman demanded a re-examination due to alleged paper leaks. 尽管拉胡尔·甘地等著名人物提出了抗议和支持,但BPSC尚未取消考试,案件定于1月31日由高等法院审理。 Despite protests and support from prominent figures like Rahul Gandhi, the BPSC has not canceled the exam, and the case is set for a High Court hearing on January 31.