夫妇在家中发现藏匿在新生儿身上的尸体后面临指控。 Couple faces charges after newborn's body, with stab wounds, found hidden at their home.
在迪克森港的一对年轻夫妇,一名18岁的妇女和一名21岁的男子,正在因隐瞒新生儿的出生和死亡而受到调查。 A young couple in Port Dickson, an 18-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man, is under investigation for concealing the birth and death of their newborn. 这名女婴被发现死于刺伤,藏在他们家的一个袋子里。 The baby girl was found dead with stab wounds, hidden in a bag at their house. 这对夫妇在没有婴儿的情况下在当地医院寻求产后治疗,引起了怀疑。 The couple sought post-natal treatment at a local hospital without the baby, raising suspicions. 他们没有犯罪史,对家庭反应的恐惧似乎是其动机。 They have no criminal history, and fear of family reaction seems to be the motive. 嫌疑人将向迪克森港治安法院提出还押请求。 The suspects will appear before the Port Dickson Magistrate's Court for a remand application.