集体诉讼指控Zeta Global利用欺骗做法进行证券欺诈和充斥结果。 Class action lawsuit accuses Zeta Global of securities fraud and inflating results through deceptive practices.
对Zeta Global Holdings公司提起了集体诉讼,指控该公司有证券欺诈和非法商业做法,包括利用虚假的招工委员会和第三方同意农场来增加财务结果。 A class action lawsuit has been filed against Zeta Global Holdings Corp., accusing the company of securities fraud and unlawful business practices, including using fake job boards and third-party consent farms to inflate financial results. 导致Zeta股价大幅下跌。 The lawsuit follows a report that led to a significant drop in Zeta's stock price. 在2024年2月27日至2024年11月13日期间购买Zeta证券的投资者可以加入诉讼,并要求在2025年1月21日之前被任命为主要原告。 Investors who bought Zeta securities between February 27, 2024, and November 13, 2024, can join the lawsuit and request to be appointed as lead plaintiff by January 21, 2025.