Claressa Shields和Laila Ali公开争斗, 指责Ali嫉妒她的成功。 Claressa Shields and Laila Ali are feuding publicly, with Shields accusing Ali of jealousy over her success.
拳击冠军Claressa Shields和Laila Ali被卷入一场公开的争斗。 Boxing champions Claressa Shields and Laila Ali are embroiled in a public feud. 2012年成为第一位在拳击中赢得奥运金牌的美国女性的盾牌声称阿里嫉妒她的成功。 Shields, who became the first American woman to win Olympic gold in boxing in 2012, claims Ali is jealous of her success. 这场冲突始于阿里提出“盾牌”应该降低重量等级, The conflict started when Ali made comments suggesting Shields should drop a weight class, which Shields took as criticism. 自那以后,盾牌无视Ali的建议,质疑她的动机,突出她自己的成就,包括多枚奥林匹克奖牌和世界称号。 Shields has since dismissed Ali's advice, questioning her motives and highlighting her own achievements, including multiple Olympic medals and world titles.