孟加拉法院宣判前总理卡莉达·齐亚(Khaleda Zia)在一宗出于政治动机的破坏事件中无罪。 Bangladesh's court acquits former PM Khaleda Zia in a politically motivated sabotage case.
孟加拉国法院宣布前总理 Khaleda Zia 无罪释放,该案涉及一起长达 10 年的破坏案,该案涉及一辆面包车在罢工期间的损坏和火灾。 Bangladesh's court has acquitted former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia in a 10-year-old sabotage case involving the damage and fire of a van during a strike. Cumilla法院未发现任何不利于她的证据,并裁定该案出于政治动机。 The Cumilla court found no evidence against her and ruled the case was politically motivated. 正在伦敦接受治疗的Zia是32人中最初被指控的32人之一;36人被宣告无罪,法院将在以后就其余6人作出决定。 Zia, who is receiving treatment in London, was one of 32 people initially charged; 36 were acquitted, and the court will decide on the remaining six later.