Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs在2026年竞选州长 准备挑战民主党现任成员Katie Hobbs Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs files to run for governor in 2026, poised to challenge Democratic incumbent Katie Hobbs.
共和党亚利桑那州议员Andy Biggs已经递交了 2026年竞选州长的意向声明 可能挑战现任民主党州长Katie Hobbs Republican Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs has filed a statement of interest to run for governor in 2026, potentially challenging incumbent Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs. 比格斯(Biggs)是前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的坚定盟友, 他作为共和党的关键人物加入竞选, Biggs, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, joins the race as a key figure in the Republican Party, though his filing does not guarantee he will run. 如果Biggs决定竞选,这可能导致共和党内部出现具有竞争力的初级选举,并在大选中向Hobbs总督提出重大挑战。 If Biggs decides to run, it could lead to a competitive primary within the Republican Party and a strong challenge to Governor Hobbs in the general election.