苹果公司在1月24日开设迈阿密世界中心商店, Apple opens its Miami Worldcenter store on Jan. 24, featuring a green, sustainable design with educational programs.
苹果的新迈阿密世界中心商店于1月24日在迈阿密市中心开业, Apple's new Miami Worldcenter store opens January 24 in downtown Miami, offering a biophilic design with green spaces and plants reflecting Miami's Latin American influence. 这是苹果在迈阿密的第10家商店, 拥有一个大型木材结构, 低碳足迹, 和100%的可再生能源。 It's Apple's 10th store in Miami and features a mass-timber structure, low carbon footprint, and 100% renewable energy. 该商店包括一个专用的在线订购皮卡区,通用无障碍设计,以及学习新技能的“今天在苹果”方案。 The store includes a dedicated pickup area for online orders, universal design for accessibility, and "Today at Apple" programs for learning new skills.