57年后,美国空军中校唐纳德·唐宁在越南失踪,已被查明身份。 After 57 years, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Donald W. Downing, missing in Vietnam, has been identified.
美国空军Donald W. Downing中校,自1967年越战任务以来失踪,已由国防战俘/MIA会计署查明。 U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Donald W. Downing, missing since a 1967 Vietnam War mission, has been identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. 1967年9月5日,唐宁的飞机从越南上空坠落 Downing's aircraft went down over Vietnam on September 5, 1967. 2024年,一个恢复小组发现残骸和可能的遗骸,通过DNA检测证实了他的身份。 In 2024, a recovery team found wreckage and possible remains that confirmed his identity through DNA testing. 计划为Arlington国家公墓举行葬礼,纪念馆将用玫瑰花标出他的名字。 A funeral is planned for Arlington National Cemetery, and a rosette will mark his name on memorials.