一辆汽车撞上拉斯维加斯的一堵墙和灯塔后,一名30岁的妇女死亡。 A 30-year-old woman died after her car crashed into a wall and light post in Las Vegas.
周一晚上10:30左右, 一名30岁女性在2004年的Dodge Dakota坠入拉斯维加斯哈蒙大道的一堵墙和灯塔后死亡。 A 30-year-old woman died after her 2004 Dodge Dakota crashed into a wall and light post on Harmon Avenue in Las Vegas on Monday night around 10:30 p.m. She lost control after hitting curbs, was ejected, and pronounced dead at the scene. 这起事件标志着2025年 拉斯维加斯市警署 管辖下 第10次交通死亡事件 This incident marks the 10th traffic fatality under the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's jurisdiction in 2025. 坠机事件正在调查中。 The crash is under investigation.