两名男子被从北爱尔兰引渡;一名男子在爱尔兰面临审判,另一名男子被派往立陶宛为欺诈而服刑。 Two men were extradited from Northern Ireland; one faces trial in Ireland, the other was sent to Lithuania to serve time for fraud.
2名男子被从北爱尔兰引渡。 Two men were extradited from Northern Ireland. 一名31岁的孩子正在爱尔兰共和国受审,罪名是2017年造成两名青少年死亡的一场致命失事,以及2020年的毒品持有罪。 A 31-year-old is facing trial in the Republic of Ireland for a 2017 fatal crash that killed two teenagers and for a 2020 drug possession charge. 从2016-2017年起,一名41岁的孩子被派往立陶宛服欺诈罪。 A 41-year-old was sent to Lithuania to serve time for fraud from 2016-2017. 北爱尔兰警察署强调,该地区不是逃犯的安全避难所。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland stressed the area is not a safe haven for fugitives.