多伦多警方查获了835公斤可卡因 与墨西哥贩毒集团有关 逮捕了六人 Toronto police seize 835 kg of cocaine, link to Mexican cartel, arrest six in major drug bust.
多伦多警方宣布了该市有史以来最大的可卡因查获行动,缴获了835公斤与墨西哥哈利斯科新一代卡特尔有关的毒品。 Toronto police announced the city's largest-ever cocaine bust, seizing 835 kilograms of the drug linked to the Mexican Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 大部分毒品是在加拿大-美国边境的墨西哥拖拉机拖车中发现的。 The majority of the drugs were found in a tractor-trailer from Mexico at the Canada-U.S. border. 6人被逮捕,其中2人来自墨西哥,4名加拿大人,当局仍在寻找另外3名嫌疑人。 Six individuals were arrested, including two from Mexico and four Canadians, with authorities still searching for three more suspects.