Swigige和Zomato的份额暴跌,因为Zomato报告净利润下降57.2%,增长放缓。 Shares of Swiggy and Zomato plummet as Zomato reports a 57.2% drop in net profit and slower growth.
周二, 斯威吉和佐马托的股价均下跌约10%, 佐马托报告净利大幅下降, 食品配送订单增长速度低于预期. Shares of Swiggy and Zomato both fell by about 10% on Tuesday after Zomato reported a significant drop in net profit and slower-than-expected growth in food delivery orders. Zomato的净利润下降了57.2%,受到其Blinkit快速商业平台投资的影响。 Zomato's net profit fell 57.2%, affected by investments in its Blinkit quick-commerce platform. Swiggirg的股份从高峰期损失了25%左右的价值,这反映了对食品供应部门需求下降的关切。 Swiggy's shares have lost about 25% of their value from their peak, mirroring concerns over declining demand in the food delivery sector. 虽然一些分析家对Swigging的倡议仍然持乐观态度,但另一些分析家则建议,由于市场疲软,应谨慎行事。 While some analysts remain optimistic about Swiggy's initiatives, others advise caution due to market weakness.