Rogers Communications在2027年成为TIFF的赞助人, 报道节日和奖项。 Rogers Communications becomes TIFF's presenting sponsor through 2027, covering the festival and award.
Rogers通信公司签署了为期三年的协议,成为2027年多伦多国际电影节(TIFF)展出伙伴。 Rogers Communications has signed a three-year deal to be the Toronto International Film Festival's (TIFF) presenting partner through 2027. 这项交易包括赞助年度节日和人民选择奖,与TIFF的Studio 9团队一起创建新的内容系列,并为Citytv上TIFF第50届制作电视特别节目. The deal includes sponsoring the annual festival and the People's Choice Award, creating a new content series with TIFF's Studio 9 team, and producing a TV special for TIFF's 50th edition on Citytv. 合作还没有扩展到TIFF全年活动或总部命名权. The partnership does not yet extend to TIFF's year-round activities or headquarters naming rights.