阿尔伯特王子警察解散了毒品行动 逮捕了五人 缴获了可卡因和一把装满子弹的手枪 Prince Albert Police break up drug operation, arrest five, seize cocaine and a loaded pistol.
阿尔伯特亲王警察在1月17日解散了一次毒品行动,在第五街东区的一处住宅逮捕了5人。 Prince Albert Police dismantled a drug operation on January 17, arresting five people at a Fifth Street East residence. 警官缴获了545克可卡因、一把装有子弹的手枪、9 510美元现金和毒品套件。 Officers seized 545 grams of cocaine, a loaded pistol, $9,510 in cash, and drug paraphernalia. 19岁的Mofe Etchie 来自Kitchener 21岁的Javon Minott 来自Surrey 面临严重的贩运和火器指控。 Mofe Etchie, 19, from Kitchener, and Javon Minott, 21, from Surrey, face serious trafficking and firearms charges. Troy Natewayes 39岁 Sarah Nelson 38岁 也面临指控 Troy Natewayes, 39, and Sarah Nelson, 38, also face charges. 一人未经起诉被释放。 One person was released without charges.