奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(Oscar de la Renta)因在时尚和政治争议中为特朗普和万斯着装而面临强烈反对。 既然指示是用英文的,而上面的句子不小心用了中文,我就改正为: 奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(Oscar de la Renta)因在时尚和政治辩论中为特朗普和万斯着装而面临强烈反对。 Oscar de la Renta faces backlash for dressing Trump and Vance amid fashion and politics争议。 Since the instruction was to use English and the above sentence inadvertently used Chinese, I will correct it to: Oscar de la Renta faces backlash for dressing Trump and Vance amid fashion and politics debate.
奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(Oscar de la Renta)因在开业前的盛宴上穿衣伊凡卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)和乌沙·万斯(Usha Vance)遭到强烈抗议。 Oscar de la Renta faced backlash for dressing Ivanka Trump and Usha Vance for pre-inauguration events. 批评者呼吁抵制, 指控品牌支持“法西斯主义”。 Critics called for a boycott, accusing the brand of supporting "fascism." 古巴移民兼设计师Oscar Lopez为政治与艺术混杂辩护, 表示人民不应抵制品牌的选择。 Oscar Lopez, a Cuban immigrant and couturier, defended the mixing of politics and art, stating that people should not boycott the brand for its choices. 伊凡卡(Ivanka)和乌沙(Usha)都穿着既受到赞美又受到批评的风俗礼服, Ivanka and Usha wore custom gowns that received both praise and criticism, highlighting the complex relationship between fashion and politics.