尼日利亚官员在阿尔及利亚边境营救了两名被贩运的少女。 Nigerian officials rescue two trafficked teenage girls at Algeria border.
尼日利亚移民官员已解救了两名18岁和19岁的少女,他们是试图非法越境进入阿尔及利亚的人口贩运的受害者。 Nigerian immigration officials have rescued two teenage girls, aged 18 and 19, who were victims of human trafficking attempting to illegally cross the border to Algeria. 这些女孩在边境检查站被拦截,并移交给反贩运当局,以获得援助。 The girls were intercepted at a border checkpoint and handed over to anti-trafficking authorities for assistance. 移民局强调,它致力于与其他安全机构一道打击人口贩运活动。 The immigration service emphasized its commitment to combating human trafficking with other security agencies.