多机构追逐结束时,三名嫌疑人在偷来的汽车在韦恩县坠毁后被捕。 Multi-agency chase ends with arrest of three suspects after their stolen car crashed in Wayne County.
从Lenoir县开始的多机构追逐车追逐在Wayne县结束,当时嫌犯戴着滑雪面罩和手套,在试图在100英里以上离开时坠毁被偷的2021丰田Camry。 A multi-agency car chase that started in Lenoir County ended in Wayne County after the suspects, wearing ski masks and gloves, crashed their stolen 2021 Toyota Camry while trying to exit at over 100 mph. 司机和两名乘客遭到逮捕。 The driver and two passengers were arrested. 追逐涉及Lenoir县警长办公室、Wayne县警长办公室、州公路巡逻队和Goldsboro警察局。 The chase involved the Lenoir County Sheriff's Office, Wayne County Sheriff's Office, State Highway Patrol, and Goldsboro Police Department. 车辆是从新伯尔尼偷来的。 The vehicle was stolen from New Bern.