人为了救狗而死 狗从罗金汉郡的冰池里掉下来 Man dies trying to save his dog that fell through an icy pond in Rockingham County.
在洛克林汉姆县,34岁的菲利普·丹尼尔·斯凯利在试图营救从冰水池落下的狗后死亡。 In Rockingham County, 34-year-old Phillip Daniel Skelley died after attempting to rescue his dog that had fallen through an icy pond. Skelley在寻找宠物时失踪了 Skelley went missing while searching for his pet. 当局发现他被淹没在池塘里 发现冰上有两个洞 暗示Skelley试图救掉狗 Authorities found him submerged in the pond after discovering two holes in the ice, suggesting Skelley tried to save his dog as it fell through. 没有犯规的痕迹 他的死被视为意外 There are no signs of foul play, and his death is considered an accident.